
In the Mhurwud world setting, several cities are mentioned with unique characteristics and lore. Here's a description of all the known cities from the provided lore:

Astral Port of Sigithorp: Known for its magical activity, governed by the Astrological Directorate. It features the University of Astrological Arts and a Grand Observatory. It's said that remnants of a Hall of Portals to other planes exist beneath the city.

The Autumnfell: A vast forest rather than a city, it contains lost temples, dungeons, and cities within its depths. The closer one gets to the outer edges, the more typical the wildlife becomes.

Citadel of the Demon Duchess: A place of evil, visited by merchants for trade but feared due to its cursed nature. It's ruled by the Demon Duchess, possibly a Lich, and has significant temples to Zowris and Inir.

Divine City of Wabrycg: Located in a sub-tropical zone with a bustling seaport, it's the starting point for the Witch Hunter. Governed by a council of priests and a hereditary Protector, it's known for its class disparities and grassroots efforts for justice.

Dunavice (Death Falls): A fortress city on the western edge of the Autumnfell, known for its strategic location and robust defenses. It's a diverse, densely populated city with a strong military presence.

Edarae: Populated primarily by High Elves, located on the eastern end of the Great Continent. It faces threats from goblins descending from the Howling Ghast Peaks.

Eresantium: A pivotal trade city located at the crossroads of two continents. It's split into distinct quarters, each with its own cultural and economic characteristics. It's ruled by Basileus Corandias XVIII and is known for its rich food culture and diverse religious practices.

Fathomless: Known as the Jewel of the Sea of Vagabonds, it's a bustling mercantile city governed by a council of Hidden Lords. It's a melting pot of cultures with a significant role in politics and trade.

Frostpine Haven: Located in the far north, characterized by a harsh snowy climate. Known for its resilience, the city is built with sturdy pine and stone and is known for its forestry, fur trading, and ice fishing.

Imperial City of Bassalonia: Governed by a council with a mix of scholars, warriors, sorcerers, and priests. It's culturally rich but marked by social stratification and tension with non-Bassalonians.

Ormoor: A major agricultural city in a temperate zone, known for its farmland and fish market. Ruled by a benevolent mayor, it's recently seen the establishment of a temple dedicated to Edarae.

Soporhaven: Nestled in the central south end of the Autumnfell, it's a city of whimsy and everyday charm. Known for the Crystal Plaza and the legend of a headless horseman that haunts the city once a year.