Saturday, April 27, 2024


The Zephyr are a race of winged humanoids who are found in certain tropical and semi-tropical regions. They are a peaceful people, having a great love of all types of music, art, and crafts. Though inclined towards passivity, they will actively defend their homes and families if threatened. To this end, their warriors exhibit a high degree of skill with the short bow and, to a lesser extent, the javelin.

Zephyr are hollow-boned and somewhat slight of stature, and are built to allow for speed and maneuverability in the air. Compared to the other humanoid races, they are not strong, and cannot carry much weight while airborne. Their skin ranges in color from gold to a coppery brown, with hair ranging from yellow to bright red. Zephyr literally have eyes like a hawk’s, and can see fine details at ranges of up to one mile. A full-grown Zephyr has a wingspan in excess of twenty feet, and can remain airborne for up to one hour before needing to rest. Young Zephyr are poor flyers, but learn to glide soon after birth.

Zephyr live in family groups, normally numbering from three to thirty individuals. They build nest-like eyries of skillfully woven straw, reeds, and rushes, which they construct along cliff faces and other precipitous spots. Like many of the sylvan races, Zephyr are vegetarians, and eat only fruits, nuts, and berries. They despise most reptilian species, especially the Naga, who are their traditional foes.

The Zephyr peoples are noted for their kindness and hospitality. They will always help strangers in need of aid or rescue, providing food and shelter as necessary. Though they are most trusting, the Zephyr are not fools; those who take advantage of their kindness are often dealt with harshly.

Height/Length: 5-6 ft.

Weight: 80-120 lbs.


STR: 6-14

INT: 6-18

SPD: 6-18

WILL: 6-16

DEX: 6-18

CHA: 9-19

CON: 4-14

PER: 9-19

Level: Any

Alignment: Neutral

Damage: As per weapon employed

Special Attributes:


Keen eyesight (see fine details up to 1 mile away)

+1 to hit with missile weapons

+1 saves vs PER and CHA

Armor: Unarmored

Hit Points: As per human characters.


Zephyr cannot fly if wounded for more than 2/3 of their total hit points.