Thursday, April 18, 2024


Ahl-At-Rab (or "sand devils") are a warlike species of saurians that populate certain deserts and barren wastelands. The Ahl-At-Rab are a nomadic race, and continually roam from place to place in search of food. They are believed to be distantly related to the sea-dwelling Makara.

Humanoid in form, Ahl-At-Rab are slow moving but powerful creatures. They average about six and a half feet in height, though seven foot males are not uncommon. All have scaly hides which range in color from tan to dark brown. A fin-like crest runs from the center of the forehead to the base of the neck, and is believed to help maintain body temperature. Like all reptiles, Ahl-At-Rab are cold-blooded creatures.

Although they are not builders, the Ahl-At-Rab are fairly skilled at making weapons and crude implements mostly of copper or obsidian. Some tribes have succeeded in domesticating certain types of reptiles, such as vipers, sand boas, and the ponderous lizards the Ahl-At-Rab call “sand dragons.” The Ahl-At-Rab use these giant creatures as steeds and burden beasts, and often train them to fight along with their riders. Mounted on their “sand dragons,” Ahl-At-Rab are able to travel up to twenty miles per day through most types of desert or barren terrain.

The Ahl-At-Rab live for combat, and will attack even large groups of armed men without hesitation. They possess ample natural weaponry, Ahl-At-Rab usually prefer using spears, obsidian clubs, and war whips made of sand dragon hide in battle. Both their spears and clubs function as melee weapons, as well as hand-held weaponry. The Ahl-At-Rab occasionally use copper or reptile-hide shields and breastplates, and sometimes affix such protective devices on their sand dragons. Unless they are hopelessly out-classed or outnumbered, Ahl-At-Rab will fight to the death. As they are carnivorous creatures, those they slay in battle, but will not stop to do so until all fighting has been resolved. They will take prisoners, both for use as slaves and as a hedge against times when food becomes scarce. For the latter reason, prisoners of the Ahl-At-Rab are usually not mistreated unless they are believed to be spies.

Though once quite numerous, the Ahl-At-Rab are believed to be a dying race. Few existing tribes number greater than forty to fifty warriors, plus a like number of females, young, and old ones. On rare occasions, two or more tribes will join forces and travel en masse, but most of the time the Ahl-At-Rab tribes are too busy warring against each other to bother with treaty-making.

Height/Length: 6 1/2–7 ft.

Weight: 200-300 + lbs.


STR: 15-19

SPD: 6-12

DEX: 6-12

CON: 20

INT: 6-12

WILL: 8-16

CHA: 2-12

PER: 8-16

Level: 1-12+

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Damage: Claws: 1-4 (+ STR) each, Bite: 1-4, or as per weapon employed

Special Attributes:

Communicate with all reptilian species

Can survive without water (up to 14 days)

Cold slows movement (SPD & DEX) by 1/2

Armor: As leather armor

Hit Points: 20-60+


Ahl-At-Rab revere the serpent goddess, Tiamat. They consider the Naga to be akin to demi-gods. Ahl-At-Rab may either be Warriors or Shamans (their Power Animals will always be serpents).