Friday, April 19, 2024


The Druas are the most mysterious and least understood of the humanoid races. At best, the origin of the Druas species is uncertain; scholars have alternately ascribed to the theory that the Druas are descended from the Korupira (so-called “forest devils”), or are a cross-breed of elf and demon. Still others have speculated that the Druas are the last remnants of the fabled “first race” of humans who once dwelled on the dark continent of Mu. Further confusing the issue is the fact that of all the humanoid races, only the Druas have no apparent homeland or territory of their own.

While individuals and small groups of Druas are found scattered throughout the world, they seem to have no homogeneous cultural or religious ties. A popular folk tale of the dwarves says that the Druas once had an ancestral homeland called Talislanta, which sunk beneath the waves after the first cataclysm. According to the dwarves, the Druas are destined to “wander the world over, until Talislanta again rises from the sea.”

In stature, Druas generally resemble elves or nymphs, and exhibit the same grace and ease of movement as most of the Sidhe (faery folk). All have coal-black skin and white hair, with no facial hair of any kind. Their eyes are steel-gray, with the irises typically being flecked with traces of silver. A Druas’ stare is said to be not born of maliciousness, but has led some superstitious folk to claim that Druas possess “the evil eye.”

In temperament, Druas are perhaps like no other humanoids. Most seem preoccupied or lost in thought, as if dreaming, even when engaged in conversation. Although most Druas tend towards the neutral alignments, chaotic and lawful evil groups or cults of Druas are known to exist. Druas, in fact, possess a natural affinity for the mystic arts, all of these folk having certain innate psychic abilities. Like elves, Druas also have very long life spans.

Certain hunters and adventurers claim to have chanced upon Druas settlements, which—they say—are always located in the most inaccessible of wilderness regions. According to their accounts, the Druas live in circular structures of smooth-cut stone which, by their description, bear some resemblance to the Druidic Temple of Stonehenge, in Alba. As there remains little evidence to support such tales, they must be considered of dubious nature.

Height/Length: 5’4”-6’2”

Weight: 80-170 lbs.

Attributes: STR: 6-16 INT: 6-18 SPD: 6-18 DEX: 6-18 CON: 6-16 CHA: 6-16 PER: 13-19

Level: Any

Alignment: Neutral

Damage: As per weapon employed

Special Attributes:


Sending (see Comments)

+2 saves vs PER

+1 saves vs WILL

Armor: Unarmored

Hit Points: As per human characters


Sending is the psychic ability to relay a telepathic message (to one person only) of up to seven words. Druas may only use this ability once per day. Range is unlimited, though sending is not possible between different dimensions. Professions open to Druas include: Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Monk, Martial Artist, Mystic, Rogue, Witch Hunter, Wizard, Hunter, and Witch.